
Still life, Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606–1683/1684) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
On this week's show we'll hear songs of praise and thanksgiving (not necessarily with a capital 'T'): a Magnificat setting by Gombert, two versions of Te Deum (Tallis and Buxtehude), and a Bach cantata for a grand civic occasion in Leipzig in 1723, 'Preise, Jerusalem, dem Herrn'.
- Samuel Scheidt: Nun danket alle Gott. Performed by Musica Fiata and La Capella Ducale.
- Nicolas Gombert: Magnificat primi toni. Performed by the Oxford Camerata.
- Dieterich Buxtehude: Te Deum. Performed by Ton Koopman at the Bielfeldt organ at St. Wilhadi, Stade, Germany.
- Thomas Tallis: Te Deum. Performed by Chapelle du Roi.
- J.S. Bach: Cantata 'Preise Jerusalem dem Herrn'. Performed by Deborah York, soprano, Ingeborg Danz, alto, Mark Padmore, tenor, and Peter Kooy, bass, with Collegium Vocale, directed by Philippe Herreweghe.
- Closing music: Jubilate Deo (Giovanni Gabrieli). Performed by the Gabrieli Consort and Players.