
Christine de Pizan writing in her room (1407). Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.
This week's program focuses on medieval woman of letters Christine de Pizan, with music from her time by Binchois, Landini, and Machaut, plus insights and a reading by actress Suzanne Savoy, who portrays de Pizan in a one-woman show called Je, Christine.
- Music of the Trecento: Francesco Landini: Ecco la Primavera, performed by the Early Music Consort of London. Jacopo da Bologna, Elas mon cuer. Performed by Ensemble Unicorn.
- Performed by Ensemble PAN: Belle, bonne, sage (B. Cordier), A mon pouir (anon.), A l'arme (Grimace).
- Gilles Binchois: Dueil angoisseux. Performed by Gothic Voices.
- Two poems by Christine de Pizan, set to contemporary melodies and sung by VocaMe: A Dieu, mon ami & Dieux! on se plaint trop durement.
- Performed by Ensemble PAN: De ce que foul pensee, En nul estate, Ha, fortune.
- Guillaume de Machaut: Kyrie from Messe de Nostre Dame. Performed by Diabolus in Musica.
- Bien puist (Binchois) & La belle se siet au piet de la tour (Dufay). Performed by Amadis Ensemble.
- Closing music: Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient (Machaut). Performed by Gothic Voices.