The Wheel of Fortune from Carmina Burana via Wikipedia.org
This is a broadcast of a previously recorded event.
Listen to this special broadcast online by clicking the "Listen Live" button at the top of this webpage or by tuning your radio to 89.5 FM on Sunday, August 7th at 11 a.m.
KMFA 89.5 is pleased to present a broadcast of The Austin Symphony and Chorus Austin's presentation of Carl Orff's masterpiece, Carmina Burana on Sunday, August, 7th at 11am (which will be rebroadcast on Wednesday, August 10th at 9pm). If you were not one of the lucky people who got to see and hear one of the sold-out performances in 2015, now's your chance to hear it! If you were there, we know that you'll want to listen again to this inspired performance.
On this special 2-hr. edition of Classical Austin, we'll have the final installment of "An A.S.O. Retrospective." It's your chance to cool down and enjoy your Austin Symphony Orchestra, Chorus Austin and Chorus Austin Youth Chorus in the middle of summer, from the comfort of your own home! Listen to Carl Orff's Carmina Burana! A.S.O. Artistic Director and Conductor Maestro Peter Bay, joins Dianne Donovan to discuss the music, the composer, and this performance. This spectacularly colorful work contains some of the most famous themes in all of classical music; you'll want to sing and dance along.
This broadcast is part of KMFA's Listen Local series. This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department, the Still Water Foundation, Estes Audiology Hearing Centers, and Tito's Handmade Vodka.
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